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Rodolfo Castro is working on his defense to get back to Pittsburgh


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Between Pittsburgh and Indianapolis, Rodolfo Castro has provided some thump with the bat this year.

In 81 games between the big leagues and Triple-A, Castro has 10 home runs, 12 doubles, and a pair of triples.

Castro has shown power and a low average from the middle infield throughout his career. When he was sent down to Indianapolis in June, he was focused on the other side of the ball.

“I came down here with a clear idea that I needed to keep working on my defense,” Castro said through the translation of manager Miguel Perez. “I have had some success in the past, and I think defense is what got me up there. I have created a routine a few years ago, and I try to keep working on it. The effort is something that I came down to focus on.”

In his stint in Pittsburgh this season, defensive improvements were a glaring need. Castro committed five errors in 19 contests with the Pirates.

In Indianapolis, Castro has committed nine errors in 60 games. He’s also had a few amazing plays, such as the play here where he displayed a lot of range:

Ryan Palencer
Ryan Palencer
Ryan has been following Indianapolis baseball for most of his life, and the Pirates since they became the affiliate in 2005. He began writing for Pirates Prospects in 2013, in a stint that ran through 2016 (with no service time manipulation played in). Ryan rejoined the team in 2022, covering Indianapolis once again. He has covered the Pirates in four different big league stadiums. Ryan was also fortunate enough to cover the 2015 Futures Game in Cincinnati.

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