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First Pitch

First Pitch: A Garrett Jones Trade Might Not Be a Guarantee

Throughout most of the off-season, it seemed inevitable that the Pittsburgh Pirates would trade Joel Hanrahan. There also seemed to be a strong possibility...

First Pitch: What Are the Alternatives if the Liriano Deal Falls Through?

Back on December 21st, the Pittsburgh Pirates agreed to a two-year deal with left-hander Francisco Liriano. The deal has yet to be finalized, and...

First Pitch: Where Would the Farm System Be Without Cole and Taillon?

Yesterday, Jim Callis wrote that he had the Pittsburgh Pirates as his 8th best farm system. That brought up a discussion on Twitter tonight...

First Pitch: The Five Players That Represent a Microcosm of Neal Huntington’s Abilities

At the end of the 2012 season I wrote that 2013 was the make or break year for Neal Huntington and the current management...

First Pitch: The Draft Compensation System is Still Broken

Last year the Collective Bargaining Agreement introduced some changes to the free agent compensation system. The system was overhauled, drastically reducing the amount of...

First Pitch: Killing Your Giancarlo Stanton Dreams

I've been asked a few times over the last couple of days what it would cost for Giancarlo Stanton. Recently there have been a...

First Pitch: The Impact of Losing the Astros

Buster Olney has been doing his top ten lists at ESPN, naming his top rotations, infields, outfields, and so on. The Pirates haven't been...

First Pitch: 13 Boom or Bust Players Who Could Make a Difference in 2013

The 2013 roster is starting to take shape. There are still a few off-season questions that remain unanswered. Will the Pirates trade Garrett Jones?...

First Pitch: Will a Garrett Jones/Gaby Sanchez Platoon Work?

For the third year in a row, the Pittsburgh Pirates are projected to enter the season with a platoon at one of their positions....

First Pitch: The Pirates Payroll and a Realistic View on Salary Dumps

When the Pirates make a move that cuts salary -- such as what happened in the Joel Hanrahan trade -- you hear the usual...

First Pitch: What is the Next Move For the Pirates?

After Jason Grilli was signed, we waited for the other shoe to drop with a Joel Hanrahan trade. Now that the Hanrahan trade is...

First Pitch: Mark Melancon and Remembering When Joel Hanrahan Was a Throw In

There seems to be some debate over whether relief pitcher Mark Melancon is involved in the pending Joel Hanrahan trade. A few outlets are...

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