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First Pitch

First Pitch: The 2009 Draft Class Lacking Impact Talent

Today we finished up the Bradenton Marauders recap, which means we've wrapped up all of the prep pitchers from the 2009 draft. There are...

First Pitch: Stolen Bases Are a Problem, But Not the Big Problem

It's not a surprise to me that the Pirates haven't been placing much emphasis on the running game this year. They've been taking that...

First Pitch: Bad Scheduling Decision

It would have been impossible to predict a year in advance that it was going to rain in Chicago tonight. That's about how long...

First Pitch: The Dismal Tide

"You know, if you'd have told me 20 years ago I'd see children walking the streets of our Texas towns with green hair, bones in their noses, I just...

First Pitch: Looking Deeper at the Black Hole at the Bottom of the Lineup

The Pittsburgh Pirates signed Clint Barmes and Rod Barajas over the off-season, looking at each player for values other than offense. So far on...

First Pitch: The Disappointing Results Against Bad Teams

You could call it a collapse. You could call it a regression. You could use whatever word you want. I think all Pirates fans...

First Pitch: Why Do Bad Pirates Hitters Become All-Stars Elsewhere?

The Pirates have been frustrating lately. The offense has struggled, losing a lot of close games, and failing to come up with runs in...

First Pitch: A Few Cases of Increased Velocity, and the More Important Skill

Today I wrapped up the West Virginia Power 2012 season recap. The three lowest levels in the farm system are now complete, which covers...

First Pitch: Fire Neal Huntington? Let’s Keep Perspective

The Pirates have been playing some horrible baseball lately. Five game losing streak. Two wins in their last ten games. Going 13-25 since the...

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