Every Friday, we run a new program called Pay It Forward Friday. The program allows you to Pay It Forward by purchasing a Pirates Prospects subscription for certain professions that provide an important public service, as a way to say thank you to those people.
We currently offer Pay It Forward subscriptions for the following professions: Teachers, Students, Nurses, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Public Works. We also offer the option to purchase for another profession you don’t see on the list.
You can purchase a Pay It Forward subscription for any one of those categories here.
Every Friday we will release the subscriptions that were purchased the week before, available to claim on a first come, first serve basis. Here are the available subscriptions this week.
Teachers: 3
Fire and Rescue: 3 2
Police: 2
Students: 2
Nurses: 1
To claim one of these subscriptions, send an e-mail to tim@piratesprospects.com with verification.