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First Pitch

First Pitch: Why the Pirates Shouldn’t (Have) Sign(ed) Russell Martin

Earlier today I wrote my "First Pitch" article, titled "Why the Pirates Shouldn't Sign Russell Martin". I spent some time taking a deep look...

First Pitch: Free Agency Begins

MLB's free agency period began at 12:01 AM EST, which means that players are now free to sign with other teams. For the Pirates,...

First Pitch: A Reminder on Pedro Alvarez’s Contract

Today the Pittsburgh Pirates picked up the option year for Pedro Alvarez. Alvarez has a unique contract which usually brings some confusion about how...

First Pitch: McCutchen Wasn’t the Pirate That Deserved a Gold Glove

My tweet tonight immediately after Andrew McCutchen won a gold glove: Andrew McCutchen hits his way to his first career Gold Glove. It received...

First Pitch: It’s Time to Focus on the Real Issues With the Pirates

When the Navy SEAL training report first came out, it was packaged with so many other topics that it turned the situation into a...

First Pitch: Navy SEALs Training…Only the Pirates…Plus a Ton of Other Teams

The Navy SEALs discussion is back. Dejan Kovacevic brought the topic up for the third time tonight, this time mentioning a possible injury by...

First Pitch: Joel Hanrahan’s Off-Season Trade Value; New Comment System

For the last year and a half, I've been talking about how the Pittsburgh Pirates should trade Joel Hanrahan. To sum up the reasoning,...

First Pitch: Is the Pitching Staff Set?

The latest 2012 recap was the look at the starting pitchers. The last few years the Pirates have pursued a big free agent pitcher...

First Pitch: Potential Off-Season Moves

In estimating the 2013 payroll, I had to make some guesses on which players would return. Some of the guesses I didn't like making....

First Pitch: Pirates Still Looking For Long Term Corner Outfield Solutions

After posting the 2012 corner outfield recap, I looked back at last year's recap. The story was about the same, only with a few...

First Pitch: Future Payroll and Player Pages Updated

We're doing some end of the year work on the site, getting some of the featured sections ready for next year. The following sections...

First Pitch: More Big Market Success Stories

I haven't watched much of the MLB playoffs. To be honest, I haven't watched any of it, outside of catching the box scores at...

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