74.8 F

Prospect Watch

Pirates Prospect Watch: Bubba Chandler is Taking His Game to the Next Level

You don't have to squint hard to see that Bubba Chandler is taking his game to the next level. On Thursday night, Chandler put...

Pirates Prospect Watch: Carlson Reed Looks Ready to Move Up to High-A

Carlson Reed has consistently been the best pitcher in Single-A Bradenton this season. The 2023 fourth rounder completed an impressive month of June on...

Pirates Prospect Watch: Braxton Ashcraft Throws Five Shutout in Triple-A

Braxton Ashcraft has allowed one run in 15.1 innings of work across his first three Triple-A starts. The performance continued on Tuesday night, when...

Player Features

Pirates Prospects Player Features


Maldonado Homers in Venezuelan Playoffs

A little bit of winter ball playoff action for Pirates, farmhands, and friends.

Pirate Prospect #25 – Wesley Freeman

I am counting down my personal list of the top 25 Pirate prospects. You can follow the countdown here, or by clicking on...

Catchers Hitting Again in Winter League Playoffs

Some Friday night winter league playoff games involving Pirates, farmhands, and friends....

Dominican League:
Aguilas Cibaenas 6, Toros del Este 5
Los Toros broke a 4-4 tie in the top of the 7th, with a run on a double and a single.

Pirate Prospects – Honorable Mention

I am counting down my personal list of the top 25 Pirate prospects. You can follow the countdown here, or by clicking on...

My top 25 Pirate prospects

It is that time of the year, with top Pirate prospect lists showing up everywhere. Baseball Prospectus published their top 11 list a...

Mexican Playoffs; Holdzkom Comes from Pawtucket

The Mexican Pacific League was busy last night; more playoff games today.

Venados de Mazatlan 2, Yaquis de Obregon 0
Los Venados scored two runs in the bottom of the first inning, on a walk, a single, and a throwing error.

Minor League Additions

Happy New Year!
The winter leagues get a break for New Years' Eve and New Years Day, so we'll look at another player recently signed by the Pirates to a minor league contract.

OF Jeff Salazar

Welcome To Our (Temporary) New Home!

Welcome to the (temporary) new home of Sandlot Swashbucklers! Please join us as we follow the Pirates' minor leaguers on their way up the ladder to Pittsburgh. Sandlot Swashbucklers will be joining the Bloguin group, and our eventual home will be at: www.sandlotswashbucklers.com That transition is going to take a few more weeks, and I'll let you know when it's ready. Until then, we'll be right here!
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