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McCutchen chats on Intentional Talk


Pirates center fielder Andrew McCutchen had a skype interview on Intentional Talk today on MLB Network.

Hosts Chris Rose and Kevin Millar kept it fun and light, not really talking much about the season. Here’s a few of the highlights:

On getting anxious for spring training: “I’m ready to get started. I’ve been working hard. I’m ready to get with my teammates again, be around all of them, just get into that baseball mode. I’m looking forward to just going out and getting the season started.”

Jeremy Lin, who has been getting quite the following recently, may have a new fan in McCutchen. He mentioned he was probably going to get his jersey soon.

Millar asked if McCutchen was going to start producing music soon, asked about his rap label. But sorry fans, McCutchen said he makes music as a hobby and keeps it to himself.

Rose asked McCutchen about spending time this offseason in a hyperbaric chamber. McCutchen nearly freaked out his first time when the guy was about to close it up, he said, “wait, wait, wait, wait…It just went to fast. Blood starting rushing to my head, my eyes started getting red. I was like, ‘You got to give me a second.’ He gave me one of those masks to on, so I put a mask on and I was good. You’re in there for a whole hour. I think I pretty much on twitter the whole time, just tweeting away. It’s pretty hard to go to sleep in that thing.”
–I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I would last more than five mintues in one of those things.

Millar did his “rapid fire” questions and according to McCutchen:
Cheapest teammate: Garrett Jones
Best dressed teammate: besides himself, Jose Tabata
Biggest star in cell phone: Lil Wayne
Most embarrassing song in his ipod: Adele

Just a heads up, tomorrow I’ll be posting a feature on left-hander Jeff Locke. I’m also working on a spring training preview that I should have up in a few days as well, so be sure to look out for those on the main site.

Only four days until I arrive to Bradenton, Fla., for spring training. I’ll be writing articles daily that will post on the main site, as well as some other news, notes, lineups, etc. here on this blog. Happy Spring! 50 days until opening day at PNC Park.

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